BACH's Early Childhood Intervention program serves children birth to three years of age with disabilities and developmental delays. Our knowledgeable and certified staff of therapists, case managers, nurses and other professionals conduct evaluations and provide support through individualized therapy services in the child's natural environment where they are most comfortable.
Research shows that growth and development are most rapid in the early years of life. The earlier problems are identified, the greater the chance of eliminating or minimizing them. Early intervention responds to the critical needs of children and families by:
working as a partner with the child's physician
promoting development and learning
providing support to families
coordinating services
decreasing the need for costly special programs
ECI services are provided in the child’s "natural environment" where they live, learn, and play. This may be in the home, daycare, or community setting where the child feels most comfortable. In this way, the child's intervention will help him or her participate in everyday activities. Services Offered
Evaluations at no cost
Coordination of Services
Individualized therapy services in speech, occupational and physical therapy, feeding and nutrition training, developmental skills, and case management
Transition to next educational settings and assistance with special education providers and school districts
Paying for Services Payment of ECI services is done so through the Family Cost Share. The amount a family pays for services is determined by a sliding fee scale and is based on family size and income. Insurance and Medicaid will be billed when applicable.